
Organizational structure of the society is based on specialist section profiling in specific sociological subdisciplines. Currently, there are 12 sections active in the society:

Sociological Theory section

Sociological Theory section of the Czech Sociological Society has a goal of nourishing and cultivating the theoretical thinking in sociology in all its broad scope and history. This goal is attained mainly by organizing a wide scale of seminars and colloquia, which serve as a platform for networking and providing feedback.

This sections is currently presided by  Jakub Mlynář (Charles University / Université de Fribourg; jakub.mlynar[at] and Miroslav Paulíček (University of Ostrava / Univerzita Karlova; mpaulicek[at]

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Gellner seminar - section of Social Anthropology
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Section of Sociology of Medicine, Health, and Illness

In 2012, we have revived the activities of this section on a thematic workshop held at the Faculty of scoial sciences of Masaryk’s University in Brno. The section is presided by Iva Šmídová (FSS MU, Brno),  Kateřina Ivanová (UPOL, Olomouc), and Ema Hrešanová (ZCU, Plzeň).

The main goal of the members of the secton is to analyse and reflect sociologically processes, institutions, and actors in the social field of medicine as science and practice, as a space of diffusion of different forms of expert knowledge. We are interested in what ways medicine, politics, public debate, as well as sociology, deal with a number of common concepts and terms, construct and negotiate them. At the same time, we focus on normativity and reflection of the lived experience – how we live and experience daily our lives, bodies, health, and illness, as well as medicine as a profession. We are especially drawn by debates and representations of experience framed in sociological concepts, such as for example: authority, truth, trust, power(lessness), boundaries betwenn normality and abnormality, life and death. We want to contribute to these debates as well with our sociological imagination, eventually contributing to cultivation of ethical approaches to research in this field.

Would you like to organize a seminar? Please, contact us!

We welcome new members from within the field of sociology or other fields related through research interests.

Section of Sociology of Religion

Our section was established in 2009 with the aim to connect Czech (and Slovak) researchers, whose research interests are in the field of religion. We have organized a number of seminars and colloquia with this aim, but also with the purpose to promote the topic of religion within the broader sociological society. Currently, the section organizes yearly meetings.

The section is presided by  PhDr. Roman Vido, Ph.D. from the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Science at Masaryk’s University in Brno (

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  • Section of Urban Sociology
  • Section of Historical Sociology
  • Section of Methodology
  • Section of Sociology of Culture and Lifestyle
  • Section of Integral Human Enquiry
  • Sociology of Family
  • Section of Social Pathology
  • Section of Rural Sociology