Contouring a Contextual Global Sociology

Pracoviště historické sociologie Fakulty humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy Česká sociologická společnost

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Contouring a Contextual Global Sociology

Prof. Margaret Abraham

prezidentka Mezinárodní sociologické asociace

Hofstra University, 202F Davison Hall, Hempstead, NY 11549, USA

Contemporary globalization has redefined notions of time, space, distances, boundaries, and borders.  It has changed the social, economic, cultural, and political environment and the nature of global interaction. Various contestations, interactions and collaborations occur at multiple levels. This presentation focuses on the role of the International Sociological Association (ISA) in the debates and dialogues about globalizing of sociology. It considers the ways that ISA, both reproduces but also challenges dominant hegemonic discourses and methodologies.

The presentation explores the ways that the ISA can be an intellectual and organizational space for contouring a contextual global sociology that facilitates sociologies in dialogue.  The ISA’s presidential initiative to create the first comprehensive Global Mapping of Sociologists for Social Inclusion (GMSSI) will be discussed. Developed to partially counter existing hierarchies of knowledge production in our discipline and association, GMSSI aims to identify, connect and enable collaborations that can foster more equitable sociological knowledge production, exchange, dissemination, and action across the globe.

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