160. Gellnerovský seminář

Česká asociace pro sociální antropologii a Česká sociologická společnost
ve spolupráci s Etnologickým ústavem AV ČR
Vás srdečně zvou na 160. GELLNEROVSKÝ SEMINÁŘ,
který se bude konat ve čtvrtek 25. května 2017 od 17:00 hod
v Etnologickém ústavu AV ČR
Praha 1, Na Florenci 3., 5. poschodí, místnost 504

Vystoupí Dr. Helena Patzer (Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., University of Warsaw)

Who cares about heritage? Reconstruction, resettlement, and the re-invention of the past in the heart of Manila

Taking as a point of departure the attempts of reconstructing and gentrifying the old part of Manila (Intramuros), the presentation will discuss the politics of heritage in post-war Philippines. An analysis of heritage revitalization projects and lack thereof will be presented, thus revealing the visions for Intramuros which are present in today’s Manila, and how they have been shaped historically. Taken into account will be the points of view of different groups functioning together in Intramuros – informal settlers, business owners, students, government employees, activists and heritage experts – and their understandings of heritage, space, and the city. This will lead to the discussion of the wider questions of the relation to the past, history, and memory in the Philippines.

Helena Patzer finished her PhD in 2015 at the University of Warsaw with the thesis entitled “Long-distance Care. The Practice of Sustaining  Transnational Ties by Filipino Immigrants in Boston”. She has done research in the Philippines and in Filipino communities in the US, Denmark, and Poland. Her professional experience includes scholarships at Harvard University and Copenhagen University, as well numerous international workshops and conferences. She was a Visiting Research Associate at the Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University (2008/2009). Lately, she returned to Manila for an Erasmus
Mundus 6-month Post-Doctoral Fellowship hosted by the Development Studies Program, where she worked on issues of heritage in Manila. She also runs a research seminar on mobility and the city at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw. In 2017 she received a two year post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The title of her project here is  Invisible Newcomers? Migrants in the Czech Republic Inhabiting the City-Space”.